saturday night ~ bridg's garden ~ dark, can't see where we're walking
heels on foot, bags in hand
only in joburg...
Bridg:: careful careful!!!! to the left - go to the left
me:: why? i'm on the path
Bridg:: no get off the path - my dad puts the dog poop on the path
me:: what? why? thats crazy
Bridg:: so that robbers know we have dogs
me:: but can't they just see the dogs?
Bridg:: oh ja... hmm
honest dialogue #1 can be found here
Ha ha ha ....very funny! Love the pic of the cute doggy too!
Thats funny...hahahaha and I'm sure at the time they thought of this scheme, it made so much sense too!! Hahahaha
lol, well, her dad still thinks its a good idea - incase the dog is inside! lol... hilarious!
hehe waht a cute pic. A booby trapped path, what a brilliant idea!
How weird my word verification today is: styllish. I so am not!
LOL that is funny! In a ways it's a good idea, then, I guess you can smell the robbers coming lol
haha Po - funny!
Miss Caught up - i didn't think of that hahaha...
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