Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Moment

The last month has been a bit of a tough ride...

It's been a month of a lot of change, mostly all for the best - I guess in the end it always turns out ok anyway, but I won't lie, it's been very hard and there've been lots of tears. So this is what's been happening for me:

I am officially single exactly a month today - yes, on Valentines day. It had been coming I guess, an intense four months of happiness and love and amazing memories that will last forever, but it was not happily ever after. He is an amazing person, who I know will always be very special to me, and me to him, but it came to an end.

So instead of looking at the fact that things ended on this commercial day of love, I decided to look at it as the day that I got my heart back.

Single has been an interesting space for me.

6 Things I love about single?

1. My time is completely mine, to do what I want, when I want, how I want
2. Getting to know what I enjoy about life again, we somehow get immersed into each others lives while in a relationship, so this is a good time to re-evaluate a few things
3. Being independent and new found free time for solitary fun
4. The butterfly feeling of going on a date and meeting new people
5. I can be completely spontaneous and only have myself to consider
6. The remote is mine, and only mine

6 Things I miss about a relationship?

1. The togetherness and sharing
2. Having someone to make me a cup of tea and run me a bubble bath
3. Those little quirky silly things and unspoken language that couples share
4. Waking up next to someone and cuddling - especially on a rainy day!
5. Spoiling someone and doing special things to brighten their day
6. Going shopping together and cooking something delicious together and drinking copious amounts of wine while talking about life and all sorts of random things

Now I know a lot of the "what I miss about a relationship" can be done with friends or alone, but I personally really enjoy those things with someone special. Of course, my girl friends and I drink too much wine and talk sh*t and laugh and make dinner, but it's just not the same.

So the space I'm in at the moment... I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that I will never stop dreaming... and I'll always follow my heart... let's see where it takes me!

1 comment:

Crazeebee747 said...

Beeg Hug! The staircase to love is there and strong as ever. Keep taking the next step one at a time!