when things are taken from us,
we are shown more clearly what we have...
and for that which we have,
we should be grateful.

this week we were burgled. we haven't even been in our new place a week. while we were sleeping, someone climbed up to the third floor of our 'secure' complex, came through the window and stole money and my laptop (with all my work on... which, no, i didn't back up...hard lesson, but learnt).
from this negative experience i am grateful that we were not harmed, and i realised that i have so much to be thankful for and grateful for. life is very precious and those we love are irreplaceable. yes, i have a lot of work to redo and catch up on, however, i won't let this experience taint my love for Joburg or for our new apartment. onward and upward and just keep swimming... that's all we can do.
hence my quote above... we lose certain things in our lives,
sometimes material, sometimes the ones we love,
but that is a time for one to look at what we do have
and know that we are loved...
...and no-one can take that away from us
from this negative experience i am grateful that we were not harmed, and i realised that i have so much to be thankful for and grateful for. life is very precious and those we love are irreplaceable. yes, i have a lot of work to redo and catch up on, however, i won't let this experience taint my love for Joburg or for our new apartment. onward and upward and just keep swimming... that's all we can do.
hence my quote above... we lose certain things in our lives,
sometimes material, sometimes the ones we love,
but that is a time for one to look at what we do have
and know that we are loved...
...and no-one can take that away from us
That so sucks *big hugs*.
Glad you ok.
Love the reference to Finding nemo - "Just keep swinimming"
nemo is my favourite!!
thanks for the hugs... :)
Oh my God, that is so terrible. I am so sorry to hear about your break in. Were you guys asleep and didn't hear a thing? I had a break in when I was living in a granny flat in Durban North, but luckily I woke at the sound of him climbing through the bathroom window, and screamed my lungs out and I think he got the bigger fright cos he backed out of that window so fast! But still, he was in the doorway to my bedroom, and it gave me such a scare. I went for a counselling session and couldn't sleep there again so I moved out! You guys must feel a bit panicked.
Yip, panicked indeed KittyCat!! It's hectic. Didn't hear a thing, and I'm thinking its a good thing.
Woah, your experience sounds scary tho! I'm going to go for a session too, i've been so teary and "lost" my mind isn't where it should be!
Thx for the message x
holy crap! I am so glad you two are alright. I cannot imagine how horribly i would sleep now if i were you. I have a horrible fear of that. My heart goes out to you for your loss but moreso for your loss of the feeling of security in your new place. I'm glad you have the attitude you DO about the situation though. And yes, at least it was just material things! I thank the stars you are ok! I dont know what i would do not even knowing you- BESAFE!
I am so sorry that happened, but glad that you are ok.
I love when people have a such a positive attitude when bad things happen. You're a good example :)
Glad you're safe!
hey that was scary and God was kind tat no harm was done to u guys .. u r so right it was a blessing in a way as we say in India maybe a small harm to avert a bigger harm which could have come ur way.....
take care and keep smiling .. ur attitude rocks! :)
lovu nups
heya. i'm so sorry that this is the kind of introduction you have had to jhb!! but it happens to everyone in jhb - its inevitable unfortunately! And like others have commented already, I LOVE your attitude to the whole thing, big thumbs up to you for that! Good luck, and big hugs.
Thanks Bams, Lydia, Sunny, Nups and the Seeker! One can only have a positive attitude in this situation, or else, if you have a victim mode, "they" have won! As we all said, at least we were unharmed!
Wishing you all a fantastic and safe week!
Thanks for all the happy thoughts!
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