things i've learnt this week

- moving is stressful on one hand, but gives one the chance to declutter and start afresh
- where you are is where you have chosen to be - if you want to be somewhere different or do something different, you have to make difference choices
- holding hands with the one I love makes me feel alive
- stairs are the devil! :p
- coral nail polish is summer's red for the toes
- people who are negative drain me ~ surrounding myself with positive people fill me
- a smile can go a long way

- driving around aimlessly and exploring is so much fun
- if we were all just a little more patient, life would be a whole lot easier
- i love laying on grass
- don't take life too seriously... live, laugh and love...
- i'm a pretty good 'make-up artist' ~ i did my friends make up for her wedding and she looked fabulous!
That's really are quite a deep refreshing in a self indulgent world :-)
:) i am also a wild earth child, obsessive and self indulged at times... but i find my balance and try to stay true to my heart ;) and share those moments with those who drop by xx
These are great things to remember every day. Happy Thanksgiving!
hi there
this is my first visit to ur blog and i m so glad i did.. feels good to knw someone who shares the same interests in life....
somethng that struck me tat u wrote is where we r in life is really our choice and guess cant complain..thanks for reminding a fellow human being that :) Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi K and/or K... there are things to remember, not always easy, but life really is too short to sweat the small stuff ;)
Nups!! Thanks for visiting my blog! Great to have u round! Feel free to add the follow me :)
I love your blog too, just popped on to visit it! Hope everything goes better in your country with the attacks in Mumbai.
Wishing everyone a superb weekend...
much love x
"people who are negative drain me ~ surrounding myself with positive people fill me"
I couldn't agree more! I weed all of the negative ones out, I am too sensitive to their energy.
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