* failure is only failure if u don't learn the lesson presented to you
* cupcakes are heavenly ~ found the cutest cupcake shop in Parkhurst
* my best friends are all blonde ... hmmm (i'm a brunette)
* it's not worth it to have negative people in your space by choice - just let go
* beauty is all around us, just look around and see, don't just look
* everyone has a story - let's not judge too quickly
* going to watch the rugby at the stadium with friends is fun, even if you don't know the rules

* tap water is better ~ bottled water is a thousand times more expensive than tap water, creates mountains of needless garbage, contributes to environmental problems, and isn't healthier than tap water... rather by a filter for your home!
I'm with you on the tap water!!! I even drink it by the litre without a filter, and have not gotten sick or died. Our South African tap water is fine.
So you enjoyed the rugby?
Nice list of things, I agree with you on them all!
Thx! yeah, i have a water bottle and just refill it.. even Joburg water is pretty delicious!
Rugby was fun, have some friends who play for the lions (growl) so we got suite tickets and enjoyed the game in style! lol
Great lessons there. Beauty really is all around us. Im addicted to cupcakes, so i agree - they are heavenly
I usually do a list of "10 things i learnt this weekend" but i havent this week.
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