to live with what is yours
your family, your business, your job, your friends, yourself
if you can't have what you like
maybe you can like what you have
just for today
be kind
be cheerful
be grateful
be caring
be understanding
be present
be your best
dress your best
talk softly
be gentle
be gracious
look for the bright side of things
praise people for what they do
and don't criticize them for what they cannot do
if someone does something stupid
forgive and forget after all
it's just for one day who knows
it might turn out to be a great one
That was wonderful :)
thank u :)
I went to the Elizabeth Arden counter to check out the 8 hour cream, and the girl gave me a free sample! So now I'll try it out and see! Just thought I'd let you know. :)
awesome! you'll never look back :) keep me posted x
Great post :)
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